Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday Art: One Line Drawings

     Swiss artist Paul Klee once said, "Drawing is like taking a line for a walk."  That's exactly what my boys experienced last Friday using this continuous-drawing technique.  The whole idea for this art project came from Family Fun Magazine.  I get so many great ideas from there.  When I told B & B they were to draw a picture (of whatever they wanted) without lifting their pen, they said, "Really? No way!".  They found out it was easier than first anticipated, and we were all so excited with the results! 

Using a black pen to draw the picture, because later we will use watercolors to fill in.

Inspired to draw birds.

Almost done with the drawing part...

Now filling in with watercolors.

Finished product...inspired by an Aesop Fable
Well worth the time and effort!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Darth Vader + Headphones = Math done!

I wrote about how "Bach saved my sanity" a few blog postings ago.  True, classical music really does help my boys concentrate and get motivated.  Turns out, it works best for my oldest son.  So---he came up with just playing his "no words" music on his MP3 player.  That way, his younger brother can have quiet and he can have the music that really helps him concentrate.   This has really come in handy this week since we are working on finishing up the remains of his 6th grade Singapore Math---(the
Challenging Word Problems section.  :) 

Nothing like a little "Darth Vader" theme music from Star Wars to get you pumped for doing word problems!  (A little "Braveheart" music mixed in there, too.)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Teacher's Lane: Happy Notes Printable

I came across these this a.m. while reading the "Econobusters" blog. This is from another blog she linked to: "The Teacher's Lane". These are printable cards you can give your children to encourage and praise their work. I love using stickers/stamps, but this will be fun to use with my boys. I know they will appreciate the extra thought.

The Teacher's Lane: Happy Notes Printable: Ok...raise your hand if this has happened to you. It's after school and you're preparing for the day tomorrow. Suddenly you realize that ...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One of my favorite quotes...

"Teach your kids to want little while they're little."

(I have no idea where I heard this quote.  I wish I could give credit to whomever said it.)

Philippians 4:11-13 and Proverbs 15:16-17

Friday, August 19, 2011

How Bach Saved my Sanity

     Yesterday calmness came to my home in a "Why didn't I think of this before?" kind of way.

     Let me preface by saying one thing I have discovered in my 5 years of homeschooling: If you choose to educate your children at home, you need to come to the realization that you will spend an inordinate amount of time with your offspring. I not only love, but  happen to really like my children, so I really do enjoy our time together doing our studies, reading to them, etc.   There are times, though, when this Mama feels like she might just loose it!  Yesterday, for example.  My boys were not being rude, disrespectful or any of that.  Just chatty and not "buckled down" to work.  Like a lot of kids in the afternoon, I suspect. 
     I had an idea. (From the Lord, no doubt.)  Something I used to do as a 6th grade teacher to help my students concentrate on their studies.   I put in our "Baroque Festival" cd.  Turned it up pretty loud.  Worked wonders.  Even made me feel better. 

     I'm not sure of the research concerning classical music.  I've heard that it is good for the brain.  I used to play it everynight when my boys were babies until they got to be older.  My oldest will still put in a classical cd on at night if he is having trouble sleeping.  I can't explain it, but somehow I think classical music helps to engage the brain in a calming way so that it can concentrate on other things-- like studying or sleeping.

     I just had to pass this on to my fellow home and/or school educators and parents!  Wouldn't want to keep a good idea all to myself!!!