Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A TOS Review: Institute for Excellence in Writing~~~Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood, Book 2

Fix It! Grammar Review
     The Institute for Excellence in Writing has a new program out call Fix It! Grammar. Our family received  Fix it! Grammar: Robin Hood, Teacher Manual Book 2. and Fix it! Grammar: Robin Hood Student Book, Book 2. My son and I were so excited that book 2 was "on his level" because he just loves the story of Robin Hood! 
How it works: 
     This program is like no grammar curriculum I have ever seen.  It is unique in that all the sentences in the daily lessons build and build until you have the story of Robin Hood at the end of the year.
     There are 33 weeks worth of material, with 4 days in each week.  Day 1 is the most teacher/mom intensive, since you are introducing new concepts.  Each concept has a corresponding card which the student cuts out.  (They are found at the back of the student book.) Each card is labeled in the upper right hand corner on the back as to which week it is introduced in.  We found this very helpful as we were gathering our new cards on all the "day 1's."  A further explanation and tips are found on the back of the card also.  I had a wooden file card holder that works perfectly for what my son needed.  He keeps only the cards that have been introduced in this file box.  We add to the box each week.  Several cards are added weekly. 


     After the new concepts are taught, one sentence from the story of Robin Hood  is corrected and marked each day in the student book.  (Yes--just one sentence per day.)  Skills learned in week 2 are transferred on to week 3 and so on.  The student will take the incorrect and unmarked sentence and fix things like: indenting, capitalization, commas, correct usage, etc.  They will also mark parts of speech.  A vocabulary word is marked each day in bold print.  The student is to look that up each day and write down a definition for how it is used in the book.  We have been keeping a vocabulary notebook for years, so this worked easily for us.  We just added to our notebook.
     When the student has marked the sentence, the parent would then use the Teacher's Manual to check the work and use the information given for each day's assignment to answer any questions or give clarification. 
  Fix It! Grammar Review
      Once the sentence has been checked, it's time for your child to add the sentence to the ever-growing story of Robin Hood.  You may choose wait and have your child write all 4 sentences as the assignment for day 5.  We always did it on the day in which the sentence was corrected.  Some days we did two sentences if we were making up from the day before. (This curriculum could also be used a quicker pace for students who are ready to move on to the next level.)

 What we thought about Fix it! Grammar:
  • I found the Teacher's Manual to be most helpful.  It explains every mark that there might be a question about. There is a page for each day's assignment.  I love how everything is explained simply and clearly.  I have never been confused.  It even gives "extra" information for all those grammar lovers out there!
  • This curriculum is easy to add in to other things you are doing as part of your English curriculum.  It's just the right amount of grammar so that your child still has time for writing and other great literature.
  • My son loves it! He is thrilled to only have one sentence per day and to be reading the story of Robin Hood again.
  • I think this is the best way to learn grammar.  Sentences in a context (and even better--great literature!) instead of isolated sentences.  This style of teaching grammar reinforces great writing.
Cost of Product: 
Student book: $15
Teacher's Manual: $19
Age Range:
3rd Grade and up
(Take a placement test to find out what level your child is on.)
Similar Products:
Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree (Book 1)
Fix It! Grammar: The Frog Prince or Just Deserts (Book 3)
Fix It! Grammar: The Little Mermaid (Book 4)
Fix It Grammar: Chanticleer (Book 5)
Fix It! Grammar: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Book 6) 
Click to read Crew Reviews

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Learning through the Book of Exodus with my 1st and 2nd Graders

 As of 3 weeks ago, I began teaching 1st and 2nd grade Sunday School.  I love it! 

     We have been studying through the Book of Exodus using the Kids Bible Studies for Life curriculum from Lifeway.  For 6 weeks, there is a focused study on the book of Exodus and the life of Moses. (We just finished week 3 today.)  I really love this in-depth study.  I think it helps boys and girls really learn the Bible.

Each Sunday, as children arrive, we practice our Bible Skills.
We looked through the table of contents and found all the books of the Bible that began with the letter "E."  We then found them and marked them in our Bibles.  We used a red marker for Exodus to help us find it quicker.
After hearing the Bible Story of Baby Moses and Miriam, the boys and girls painted over a white piece of paper to reveal a secret message I had written with a white crayon.
It said, "_______ matters to God!"  (With their name in the blank spot.)
We all matter to God...just like Baby Moses mattered to God.  God watched over him and kept him safe.  God had a special plan for Moses.  He has a special plan for you, too!

Today for our Bible Skills time, we looked up different references in the book of Exodus.

The boys and girls are really learning how to look up chapter and verse!

If the verse had the name "Moses" in it, we put it in the "Yes" pile.  If it did not contain the name "Moses" we put it in the "No" pile. 
After hearing the story of the parting of the Red Sea, we make a craft to help us remember.

Cutting halfway up.

Curling up the edges.

Added a verse from Exodus.  Ta-Da! The parting of the Red Sea!  (I got the idea from Pinterest.)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

That's Worth Repeating Thursday #6

     Last week I began a Beth Moore Bible Study (Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent) in my home with about 19 other women.  It's wonderful!  It has been too long since I have done one of her studies.  Below are two quotes from the introductory session.  I jotted them down last week in the margin of my notebook--and today I am sharing these bites of wisdom with you! 

"Self loathing is another form of pride."
--Beth Moore

"You're not good enough to mess God up."
--Beth Moore

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A TOS Review: Under Drake's Flag

      How do your children prefer to learn history?  If your kids are like mine, "textbooks" is not at the top of your list!  How about through adventure and a great story?  The Heirloom Audio Production's Under Drake's Flag will take your children on a 2 hour thrill ride back into the 1500's as they board the ship of Sir Frances Drake, a renowned seaman. Your children will not only learn about sea voyages of the Elizabethan Era, but will be challenged by the characters to live a courageous and upstanding life.  

Analytical Grammar Review

How we used Under Drake's Flag in our Homeschool:
     The day before leaving on a 6 hour car ride to the mountains, we received Under Drakes Flag!  I was thrilled.  We always pack books on CD to take on long trips.  We put the Under Drake's Flag CD in on the last 2 hr. leg of our trip.  Wow, did that make it go by so much faster!  My boys (ages 13 and 16) loved it!  It completely held their attention.   My husband and I were very entertained as well.  
     My youngest son recognized several characters in Under Drake's Flag from a book he was currently reading, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  I thought that was so neat!  He was pretty excited about it too.  We had a great conversation about how so many times one work of literature can help you understand other works of literature. 
     Under Drake's Flag is not all non-stop adventure.  There is humor as well.  Older children and adults will will most likely "get" the funny parts.  Biblical morals and scripture are an intregal a part of the story.  
     I appreciated the great vocabulary in the story.  I always love for my children to hear different vocabulary words used in a story in such a way that the definition is understood in context. (Vocabulary is also covered in the included study guide.)
     There were parts of the package that we did not take advantage of.  There is a wonderful study guide inside the CD case.  We chose not to use it since we had plenty of discussion without it--and the fact that my kids were on "summer vacation."  There is also a Bible Study at the end of the study guide. 

Other Ideas for how to Use this Product:
*This would make a fabulous Christmas present for any older boys on your list!
*Would be good to use with a group of homeschoolers or kids at church.  You cold have a lot of fun making a day out of it.  Theme decorations, group listening and a Bible Study to top it off at the end.
*Make this a part of your history study of the Elizabethan period.
*Great jump start to a writing activity.
Historical References:
 The Spanish Inquisition
Age Range
 Ages 6-Adult
Please note that there is torture, killing and fighting involved in the story.
(Not gratuitous, but it is there.)

Favorite Quotes from the production:
"There is no stronger wind in a man's sail."  
 (Speaking of God's power, protection, and presence.)

"If we're not men of honor we're not men at all."

"Perhaps God himself is trusting you with this trial."

My favorite part of the entire CD is reading/hearing the prayer of Sir Francis Drake:
"Disturb us,Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves...When we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore..."

Cost of Product
(2 CD set)
Similar Products
"Instant Access" MP3 Download Version of Under Drake's Flag: $20
Family 4-pack (With LOTS of bonuses!): $99.97
Under Drake's Flag Reviews

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Free Digital Issue: The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

The September-October issue is now available HERE.

I've already read the very short, but full-of-wisdom article, You Don't Have to Swing at Every Pitch.  

The birder in our family is going to love the article, Birds in Art.
