Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bon Secour Mission Trip

     Last night we returned from our mission trip to  Bon Secour, AL.  It was GREAT!  11 (5 adults, 7 children) of us from Hayneville Baptist Church helped Friendship Baptist Church by doing some painting in the children's rooms and visiting key neighborhoods.  I knew God would do wonderful things on this mission trip-- He always does.  And it's never what we expect.  On our drive home, it seemed clear to me our main mission: to "stir up" the church we visited, and to allow God to "stir" us up in the process. 
    I know God has kindled my spirit.  It didn't seem to me like great timing to have a mission trip right before kid's camp and VBS.  I have so much to get done.  But---God was working it all out.  He has set a fire in my heart for the mission field here at home.  I have a renewed sense of "oughtness" and passion for the work to be done!
     I want to share my most favorite part of the trip.  On Saturday morning, Stephen (our student minister) and Darrell were painting.  So, all the mamas and children set out with the Friendship Baptist pastor to visit neighborhoods.  We all piled in the van (which the air conditioner promptly went out in!) and headed to a neighborhood very close to the church.  Each of us moms took as street.  B&B and I took the first street.  We stopped at the end of each driveway, prayed for the family living inside the house, then hung the bag on the doorknob.  My heart was bursting with joy whole time---not much else I'd rather do with my children.   We all took turns praying for the families, their salvation and if there were any children living there that they would come to VBS.  It thrilled my soul to no end to hear my boys praying for those families---then letting them hang the bag on the door.  (See the picure of all of us with our yellow bags.)  We all went out later that night---5 teams this time.  We were able to contact 100 families in about an hour 1/2. 
     I'm ready to go again!!  Summer is a great time to get involved with missions.  I encourage you to invest the time and energy, you will never be disappointed! 


 Just had to post this picture! (We still got to have fun at the beach and outlets!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Great Website for Saving $$$

I like to share good websites that I find.  I found this one in a homeschooling magazine, (which I also recommend!) This Old Schoolhouse.  "Molly" posts pretty much on a daily basis.  A lot of variety. I hope you enjoy, and save some $$$!  :)



Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Breaking away" in Soccer and in Life

I have missed writing to my blog peeps!  I was on a non-voluntary computer fast.   We officially have our computer back today, but the guy at Best Buy said it could go "blue screen" at anytime.  I pray that doesn't happen! 

OK, now for my actual blog post...

On our 50 minute drive to soccer this morning I was thinking about my oldest son's  soccer game last week.  He has been playing "stopper" pretty much all year.  (That is the position just in front of the goalie...the last line of defense.)   He has been hoping to play "forward" all year.  (Offense...the one who hopefully scores the goals.)  My son has worked hard all year with his goal kicks, and wanted to get a chance to make a score.   The coach just never saw fit to put him on forward.  Of course, my husband and I told BTP he had to respect his coach's wishes and play his best.  Last week, before the game, BTP told me his plan.  If he saw an opportunity, he was going to "break away" from stopper and drive the ball up the field, and either pass it to another person on offense, or try to score.  (A little background: their team has struggled all year, with 0 wins.  My son wanted to do something about this.)  Well, in the 4th quarter he found his opportunity.  I was so proud of him for being courageous enough to step out of his position and drive the ball up the field....3/4 of the way before it was taken from him.  He didn't score, but the coach immediately put him on forward, and he started as forward in today's game!   As he was driving up the field Darrell and I were yelling like crazy people, "Go for it, BTP!  Go! Go!"  He was so pumped.  In contrast, some of his teammates were yelling, "Get back in your position!", but his assistant coach yelled for him to go for it.  There was no score, but that sure was a thrill! 

It got me to thinking about how that relates to our lives spiritually.  There are times, many times I think, when God wants you and me to "break away" and just go for it.  I'm not talking about going for the big promotion or getting a new haircut (although those things are well and good)--I'm thinking about what God wants to see us do that we may be too timid to do, or maybe have never even considered doing.

I have my "positions" in life that I know God has called me to: home educator,  pastor's wife, Bible Drill leader, SS teacher, etc.  I don't see many of those changing for a while.  But, I think God calls me to "break away" and "go for it" in a spiritual sense every once in a while.  (Like not sticking strictly to our "school" schedule and having a spiritual conversation with my kids; asking God to give me an opportunity to witness to someone, and then taking the opportunity without second-guessing; going on our mission trip the end of this month or making a new friend on the soccer field.)   It feels a little uncomfortable to be "stretched" in these ways, but oh, the reward is sweet!    I want to be like my oldest son, ready and willing to "break free" and "go all out" for the Lord.  Even though my peers may be yelling for me to "get back"  I want to instead hear only the words of my Lord and keep going wherever he may lead.  It makes me think of the men (Peter, Andrew, James and John) who "At once left their nets and followed him." (Matt. 4:20) or the woman in Matt. 26 who poured the perfume on Jesus' head.  These did not stop to think too much about "if they really should" or "what would others think".   They just broke free, abandoning all else in love and obedience to Christ. 

After half-time, BTP was back playing stopper.  The team was scoring too many points and the coach needed him back at his original position.  Much of the time, after breaking free and doing something "crazy" for the Lord, we return back to our normal posistions (mom, SS teacher, wife)---  always, without a doubt, better for it.
