Friday, October 28, 2011

FREE (Online) Fall 2011 Issue of "This Old Schoolhouse" Magazine

    To all my homeschool friends out there...I thought you might enjoy this!  (It also has great articles for anyone to enjoy.)  Happy Friday!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

You Might be a Preacher's Kid if.... (#2)


     Last night was our church's Fall Festival.  As my sons and I were working on their costumes, we got to talking about the one time they went Trick-or-Treating.  It was several years ago when we lived in Texas.  Our church didn't have a Fall Festival that year, so we just went around to church member's homes along with those we knew in the communtiy.   At just about every home we visited, we were invited in.  Needless to say, we only made it to about 5 or 6 houses.  I remember my oldest son asking, "Mom, is this Trick-or-Treating or are we on visitation?!"  

Monday, October 24, 2011

GratiTuesday (Operation Inasmuch)

     This past Saturday, many churches in our county participated in "Operation Inasmuch".  People came together with the joint purpose of serving some of the elderly in our area who were in great need-- without expecting anything in return.  Floors were repaired, plumbing fixed, yards cleaned and much more.  I loved hearing all the testimonies from those who were "out in the field" that day.  One person commented that an elderly man told him, "I didn't know people did this anymore."
     I am so grateful to be part of a church (and community) that doesn't just say they love others--they actually show it.  I am also grateful to God for giving me the strength and joy I needed to serve Him that providing childcare with 3 other great gals at our church.  What a blessing to serve alongside other brothers and sisters as we serve HIM! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


     One of the blogs I read on a regular basis, Heavenly Homemakers, has "Gratituesday" every---you guessed it, Tuesday!  The author of the blog encouraged us to have an "Gratituesday" on our blog as well.  I loved her idea before, but didn't want to be a "copycat".  Today she asked us to copy, so I am!

     I will attempt to keep up the tradition and share what I am grateful for every Tuesday.  I'd like you, my readers, to post what you are thankful for as well.  :)

        I am grateful that I got to go to church with dear friends of ours from Tennessee.  We attended the "Howard's Chapel Baptist Church" (A church literally built into a rock!) while on a quick get-away at DeSoto State Park.  During the service, it struck me that it had been years since we had worshiped together. This brought a few tears to my eyes, but made me so thankful and blessed  to have the chance to sit in the pew next to our friends with all our children beside us.


Monday, October 17, 2011

"Sticks and Stones" YUMMY Trailmix

     My family just got back from a weekend get-away with some great friends at a DeSoto State Park.  (What a wonderful and beautiful weekend!)  Before leaving, I thought it might be fun to try out a recipe for a trail mix I've had for a while.  I got the recipe from Family Fun Magazine.  It is a healthy snack sweetened with juice and brown sugar.  My friends and family enjoyed it so much!  I hope you do, too!

4 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup frozen orange or apple juice concentrate (I used apple.)
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 cups Quaker Oatmeal Squares (I used the brown sugar flavor.)
2 cups pretzel sticks
1 1/2 cup whole almonds (unsalted)
1 cup raisins or dried cranberries (I used dried cranberries.)

Heat the oven to 300 degrees.  Place the butter, juice concentrate, and sugar in a large, microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high for 45 seconds to melt the butter.  Stir in the cinnamon.

Spread the oatmeal squares, pretzels and almonds in a single layer on a baking sheet. 

Toss the pieces with the melted butter mixture to coat.  Bake the mix, stirring the pieces every 10 minutes , until the mixture is dry to the touch (it will still be a little sticky) and the nuts are lightly toasted, about 30 minutes. 

Remove the pan from the oven, then stir in the dried fruit.  Let the mix cool completely before storing it in an airtight container.  Makes about 7 cups. 

***A bonus: This will make your home smell DELICIOUS! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Encouragement for the Minister's Wife

     Today my preacher husband gave me an assignment to read.  It was a short chapter entitled "The Ministry Wife".  It is from a book he is reading, Pastor's Handbook, by John Bisagno.  He thought it would be an encouragement to me, and it was.  (He is such a sweetheart, you know!)

Pastor's Handbook [Book]

     The author's wife gave a short testimony as part of the chapter.  She quoted a scripture that "has given (her) great pleasure through the years".  The scripture is from the Book of I Samuel after David destroyed the Amakelites. 

"The Share of the one who goes into battle is to be the same as the share of the one who remains with the supplies.  They will share equally"  (1 Sam. 30:24).

     I am so blessed to share in the ministry with my husband.  There a times that I feel "less" because I am simply remaining with the supplies (i.e. homeschooling our children, cooking a hot meal, etc.).  I don't feel that way for long because God (and my husband) will remind me that I am doing exactly what I am called to do.  I am fulfilling the role that my preacher husband needs most.  What a privilege to serve my Savior in this way!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fun Friday Art---Impressionism

     Several weeks ago my boys attended "Fun Friday Art" at McBrien Design Art Studio.  I was so excited that they would be doing acrylic painting on canvas and learning the art of impressionism.  (Frances McBrien is a great art teacher and I highly recommend her!  Check out her website here: .)

Now to get these matted and framed! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

A "Hidden Message" in the Courageous Movie

(*minor "spoiler alert")

     Last Sunday my husband and about 13 others from our church went to see the "Courageous" movie.  Laughed. Cried.  Truly a great movie.  Every man should see this.  Every woman should see it so she can support/encourage the man or little men in her life.   We even made the 10:00 news talking about why we came to see the movie!  Pretty crazy!

     Something about the movie did not strike me until a day or so later.  There was a message in there that was subtle, but BIG. My favorite family was Havier's.  Sure, I loved them because they were the homeschooling family, but they were just so adorable.  And who can forget Havier's scene in the police car?  Throughout the movie, Havier struggled to keep a job or to have job security.   Their family was obviously struggling financially, eating beans and rice most meals and having only one vehicle.

     This is the "hidden message" I found:  Not once did Havier or his wife talk about her needing to get a job and quit homeschooling.  They prayed.  They ate beans and rice.  They asked God to provide.  Havier walked to work.  They pressed on.  They never questioned their calling. 

     A great message for homeschoolers or anyone.  What has God called you to do?  Don't give up and go back to your plan.  Stick with God's plan.  You may have to eat beans and rice for a while,  but you could end up a "rich man" like Havier.  (Gotta see the movie to get that one!)


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Secret to Saving $$$

     A few posts ago, I told you about a new website I discovered,  "Heavenly Homemakers".  I just loved this post from her blog!  If you would like to check out her entire blog, see my "favorite websites/blogs" to the right and just click.

Don’t Buy Stuff

By Laura · Sep,02 2010
I originally posted this in May, 2009. It’s short. It’s sweet. And it sums up what’s been on my mind lately. That’s why I’m posting it again for you today. :)
That’s it. My title is my post. Don’t buy stuff…that’s all I have to say.
When asked what my favorite frugal tip is…Don’t Buy Stuff is the best thing I can come up with.
When you buy stuff, you have to pay for it with money. And then you have to find a place to put it once you bring it home. And it won’t stay where you put it because someone will get it out and not put it away. And then it will get lost. Or broken. Or forgotten.
Buy food. You need to eat.
Splurge on toilet paper. It’s very useful.
Invest in soap…using soap is good.
But don’t buy stuff.
You’ll save a lot of money.
And…if you didn’t really need it in the first place, you won’t even miss it. ;)

     I would also add some Dave Ramsey advice to this: "If you don't want to spend money then stay at home."  A quote we use often :) !


Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Blessing from a "Stranger"

     The time is coming near when the boys and I will begin our next "core" of Sonlight Curriculum.  (World History, year 1)  I didn't have any luck finding this at a used book sale at the beginning of the school year.  I wasn't sure what we were going to do, besides order it new.  (New=$700)   I've never bought ALL my books new.  Although that money would be very well spent, it would still be a ltttle too much for our liking. 
     God has been showing me in last few years that many times I have to WAIT for his provision.  I cannot get in a hurry and try to meet the need completely on my own.  I had been asking God to please meet this need of ours.  He led me to post my need on our cover school's Yahoo site.  I had a great response, within a day I had two families willing to let me borrow (not sell!) their books.  I was amazed!   These people have no idea who I am.  What generosity! 
      Bright and early on Tuesday morning, I met a sweet lady in Prattville and she gave me 30 books to borrow.  It turns out (God's provision!) that I had a science program she needed.  We traded.  I love how God works! 
     On the drive home I had some time to think about what had just taken place.  I thought about how wonderfully God had taken care of us.  He just needed me to have a tiny bit of trust and faith to drive 45 minutues, meet a lady who I had never met, and exchange books.  (A little more faith and trust on the other lady's side of things...I only gave her about 5 books, a DVD and a science kit!) I actually thought, "Had I met an angel?"  Okay, probably not---but I did meet a fellow believer in Christ who was used by God to meet a need we had.  You know, she ended up not being a stranger after all!

Our Blessing of Books...BLP is already excited about Usborne's Book of World History