Thursday, March 22, 2012

Free Online Homeschool Magazine!

     This Old Schoolhouse is now available online!  This month, It seems  better than ever.  I have not had a chance to read all of it, but as I "flipped" through the pages, so much of it looked interesting!  The article on p. 26 was very good.  The article, "Getting There" on p.30 has a video within the article you can watch.  This video shows how one family set up their homeschool room.  Very nice.  There are videos all throughout the magazine.  A nice addition!

Here is the link.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whatever Wednesday #1

Whatever Wednesday

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory."  1 Corinthians 10:31

What I'm cooking (for breakfast): Applesauce Bread.  I got the recipe here at Heavenly Homemakers.  I really think of myself as a healthy eater/cook, but I want to be even more so.  This recipe sounded good. Though I love my blueberry muffins, this is made with no white flour or processed sugar!  I think it was a hit--this is what was left of the loaf:

What I've finished: As of last night I finished the entire Narnia Series!  (Finally!~~It has taken me a while!)  I HIGLY recommend this series!  For goodness sake, don't just watch the movies!

What I've started:  A new (to me) Beverly Lewis book: The Postcard

What my kids are up to: Soccer season, birdwatching 

What I am pondering: In my daily devotional (from My Utmost for His Highest) yesterday, Chambers said: "...To be so much in contact with God that you never need to ask Him to show you His will, is to be nearing the final stage of your discipline in the life of faith."  (Obviously, Chambers is not God's Word...but this made for good conversation at the dinner table last night.  I wouldn't go as far to say that you never have to ask God His will, but I get where Chambers is going with that.  Definitely some truth there.) 

What we are learning in our home education: The Greeks. (My boys love the Greek Myths!)  They are currently writing a compare/contrast paper on Athens/Sparta.

So, WHATever are you doing? 


Friday, March 16, 2012

Field Trip to the AL State Senate/Capitol

     Yesterday my family and I took a very special field trip.  My preacher husband had been asked to pray for the opening session of the Alabama State Senate.  We woke up at dawn (so nervous not to be late) to get ourselves ready and in our Sunday best.  We arrived 45 minutes early, but we had an interesting time waiting outside the Lieutenant Governor's office, watching the hustle and bustle as the senators arrived.
      You know what, today my boys wrote about our field trip in their journals.  Here are some snippets from what they wrote...

...For an hour and thirty mintutes I sat there wondering what it would be like.  When we got to the town we went to the senate to pray and watch.  After dad prayed we watched about an hour of "thirty-five ayes and no nays," (which got really boring.)  Then we got to do a tour which was long and really interesting and fun....

....When it was time we went up to a fancy balcony that over looked the senate area; it had fold-down seats like in the movies, and was glassed in.  There were several groups of kids.  When my dad prayed, it was wonderful.  It wasn't too long.  Then the Senate began.  I saw pages on either side of the room.  They gave a roll call.  Then two senators started debating about something.  The other senators were talking while the people were debating!  It was so extremely rude!  The president woman (Lieutenant Gov.) had to bang the hammer.  But they started again!  Then they started voting on bills....

My view from the front pew the Senate Gallery
(That's my hubby right next to the Lt. Governor.)

Love this picture I got on our tour of the Capitol Building!

We had our own personal tour guide...she was fabulous! 

This is where the AL Senate used to meet, back in the day.  My boys and I agreed we thought it would be neat if they still met here.  (Minus the spitoons, please!)

Love the ending words of my youngest son's journal entry....

....Sometimes, days go way too fast.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GratiTuesday: "My Utmost for His Highest"

     This past week I have switched to a different devotional guide for my quiet time.  I no longer have easy access to a women's devotional magazine, and knew this would be a good time to try something new.  I decided to read the classic, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.  My husband had it in his pastoral library, and he brought it home for me.   I have to admit, when I opened it I was a little disappointed.  The devotions looked really short and there was only one verse to go with each day.  I wanted more than that. 
     I decided to give it a try anyway.  Boy, was I surprised!  Chambers knew how to pack a lot onto a small page.  Most days, he refers to other passages that I can read, or the devotion for the day just makes me want to read the entire passage from which the selected verse was chosen. His devotional readings really make one think!  First of all, it is written differently than we speak today...but also because the man was obviously gifted at thinking/writing about spiritual things.  I ususally end up reading the devotion several times, digging deep into the message.  (After telling my preacher husband this he said, "That book hasn't been around for 100 years for nothin'!")
      I can't believe I have never read this classic devotional book before!  (I mean, shouldn't that have been a requirement before we left seminary or something??...hehe!)  I encourage you to give it a try if you haven't already.

Just Pitching my Tent
(In a world that is not my home),


Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Favorite Chocolate...and a coupon! :)

I wanted to pass along to my readers a coupon for Green and Blacks Dark Chocolate.  It is my FAVORITE!!  I started eating it a couple of years ago when I heard that there are lots of pesticides on regular cocoa.  I can make a bar last a whole week.  It is rich...and full of antioxidants!  :) 

Maybe this will put a little "spring-ahead" in your step today!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Think You Don't "Know Enough" to Homeschool?

     Maybe you homeschool.  Maybe you don't.  Chances are you have at least had a conversation about it with someone.  You may at one time have even said something like, "I could never do that...I just don't know enough..."  
     I read a great blog article (on the Sonlight blog) the other day I wanted to pass along. You can go here to read  it.  (My favorite part is about the rocket scientists!)
     I have certainly learned a LOT along the way of homeschooling my children!  (History has come alive for me, right along with my kids!)  An added bonus is when my sons take off and learn about a subject matter beyond what I know!  I love that! 
     If you homeschool, I'd love to hear what you've learned as you teach you kids!  :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

God Moments

     I had a some neat "God moments" this week I wanted to share~instances where I knew that God was present, was working and had a purpose for me and my family. 

Here are two of them:

1.  Soccer season started Monday.  First of all, I thank the Lord for a great start to the season!  My kids made friends quickly with several kids.  On the way home, I was talking with one of my sons about one of his new friends.  He told me this boy was a Christian.  I said, "Great!  How did you find out?"
      "I asked him," my son relpied.

2.  Tuesday night we were celebrating my son's spiritual birthday at a restaurant.  (Enjoying the gift we gave him right now...a David Crowder cd!)   The waitress came to get our drink orders.  My husband said he thought he recognized her from working at Publix.  She said that she worked there also.  She said, "In fact, I move in 8 days for my new job.  Please pray for me."
     One of my kids spoke up and said, "My dad is good at praying for people, because he's a pastor."
     I said, "Why don't we pray right now?"
     She said, "That would be great!"  We all held hands as my husband led in prayer.  The neat, "God moment" came after we finished praying.  She told us that she was a new Christian.  That she had just been baptized in November.  WOW.  So glad God led us to this young lady to encourage her in her new faith!!!  Very humbling.

***And a little "Thank you, Lord for caring for me even in the small things" moment:  After getting a raincheck at Publix (to get an item that matched up with a good coupon I had), the lady behind the counter said, "If you want more coupons, the lady over there is about to open a box of brand new coupons, and you can get what you want."
     "Oh, yeah!"  :)

Just pitching my tent
(In a world that is not my home),

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sun, Moon and Stars with my 3's and 4's

Today our lesson was: God made the sun, moon and stars.
                     God made day and night.

The boys and girls used various sizes of plastic lids to make circles on their papers.  We talked about how this shape reminds us of the sun and moon that God made.

We talked about how God made day and night.  We discussed (using a game) the different activities we do during the day, and the ones we do at night. Then we made a morning time snack...cinnamon toast!  YUM! 

The preschoolers enjoyed spreading their own butter. 
It may have gotten a little messy...but that's how we learn!  :)

Shaking the cinnamon sugar on top was lots of fun!

The toast went in the oven for a few minutes. 
 We let it cool while I told the Bible story from Genesis 1.
The boys and girls ate every bite!  YUM!

Thank you, God for day and night.  Thank you, God for the sun, moon and stars. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog post Find of the Day: St. Patrick's Day Game/Activity

     I saw a great idea on my blogger-friend's site.  This is an especially great activity for younger kids.  This is great for homeschoolers or the classroom alike.   Check it out here.  Easy and fun, huh?

Some of my suggestions for adaptations:
*For preschoolers: You may need to help or do the cutting, but they can count and search!  :)
*For younger elementary: They can do the craft as given.
*For older kids: Hide the clovers in addition to the regular activity.
*Afterwards, go outside and search for real four-leaf clovers!

Happy First Day of March, friends!
