Thursday, January 31, 2013

Easy French Toast (with 3 Healthy Tips)

Hunting season is coming to a close, but I wanted to share one of the things my hunters like to eat after a chilly afternoon in a deer stand....Breakfast for dinner!  Lately breakfast for dinner has meant French Toast
I've looked at other recipes for French Toast, but there seemed to be so many ingredients.  I decided to just stick with the basics and keep it easy. I mix egg and milk with a fork.  I use about 3 eggs and a cup of milk. I never measure.  I just "eyeball" it---do it in the portion you prefer. I dip whole wheat bread (both sides) in the egg mixture, then place on a slightly oiled 350 degree griddle.
  Healthy tip #1: I've found my crew eats the whole wheat bread just as well as the white, and it keeps us all full and satisfied much longer. 

My "secret ingredient" is cinnamon.  I simply sprinkle it on one side of the bread.
  Healthy tip #2: Notice I didn't say "cinnamon sugar".  Cinnamon has its own sweetness.  Who needs sugar when you're gonna put syrup all over it? 
Healthy tip #3: We use 100% Pure Maple Syrup, so that we're not getting all that processed sugar/corn syurp.  (Plus it tastes better!)
Cover with a towel (not foil) so your warm French Toast doesn't get all soggy. (Plus it just looks better, and you save $ on foil.)  Serve with warm 100% Maple Syrup, sausage, orange juice and coffee.  You'll have a table full of happy hunters...even if they didn't come home with anything!  :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blog Post Find of the Day, "They are Not Bible Characters"

I just recently started following (A Fellow Traveler in God's Kingdom).  I really enjoyed hearing him speak at the VBS Institute at Ridgecrest.
His blog post, They are Not Bible Characters is great for every parent or anyone who teaches children at church.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

4's and 5's Sunday School/Learning from the Bible

I'm a little behind on posting about my Sunday School kids.  This was from a week 1/2 ago.

In the Art Center:  We made verse magnets.  We teachers wrote the verse on a mailing label, the boys and girls stuck it to a sqare of cardstock, then decorated it. 

In the Puzzle Center...Shape puzzles for this week's verse and last week's verse for review...

And in the Nature Center....
We use our ears to hear the Bible....
And other sounds.
Inside these film canisters (ancient artifacts, I've had them forever!) are sand, rocks, rice, etc.  Children listened to the sounds then made a match of the two that sounded the same.  So fun!

We had a great time learning from the Bible today!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

VBS Institute 2013

Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the VBS Institute at Ridgecrest, N.C. 
Here a "few" snapshots...
Colossal Coaster World....Facing Fear, Trusting God!!
This is my area...Kindergarten VBS...The Clinic I'll be leading for my state team.

Love how the "Welcome" message is made from VBS bookmarks!  Cheap and EASY!

I appreciate it when a craft is directly connected to a biblical meaning!

One of my MOST favorite displays!!

Just too cute.

Snow Cone Garland

Cotton Candy Cafe (snacks)

Adrenaline Zone!  (Recreation)  Love the "Log Flume"!

Trees can go everywhere in your decorating. 

Loved watching the VBS Musical.  A great bunch of kids from a church in Knoxville, TN put it on for us! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stay on Your Knees

     I recently had a conversation with a friend about some tough times we had experienced in the past.  We talked about how it was one of the hardest things we had to go through.  But...we both agreed that it was also one of the sweetest periods in our life because of the time we spent with Jesus.  I can remember clinging to the Word and calling out to my Father in prayer all day long.  I often got down on my knees to pray at my bedside. 
     As I was praying the other day, God spoke to my heart these words: "Stay on your knees."  Our Heavenly Father doesn't want us to wait until we are desperate to call out to him and to desire the Word.  There will undoubtedly be things that bring us to our knees.  How much better prepared we will be to walk through that trial if we are already there---on our knees. 

"Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."  (Psalm 95:6)
"Pray continually."  (1 Thess. 5:17)
"He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed."  (Luke 22:41)


I'm so very grateful for a God that I can talk to, and who talks to me!

Go to  Heavenly Homemakers to read more "Gratitude" posts!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Homeschool Corner New Decor~Middle Ages and Renaissance

     I always enjoy changing out what's on top of our bookshelf in our "school room".  I know I've shared with you before how I just love using books in my decor.  This time, I chose to open the book!  What better art than the Mona Lisa??  We have been studying the Renaissance.  I found this particular art book on the giveaway shelf at the library.  WooHoo! The Viking ships just had to stay.  They help us to remember the Middle Ages.  :)

     I hope the top of the shelf helps to inspire my kids.  I try to change it up every month or so; keeping it interesting. What do you put up in your home that relates to your home education? 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Winter-themed Mantle

When Christmas decorations come down, the house can feel a little "blah", so I like to add a few wintry decorations. 

I use my plate for so many seasons!  I love changing out the verse.

I made my paper snowmen family 10 year ago or so.  They have held together nicely all these years.  I simply tore cardstock, "aged" it a bit with a teabag, then added sticks, carrot nose and a tiny scarf.  I painted a simple terra cotta pot white, then added tiny pinecones inside.  I just love it!

This was my first year to use snowflakes.   An obvious choice, but something I didn't think of until I saw it on Pinterest.  In the past, they've always just been Christmas ornamnets. My grandma made them throughout the years.  (They are "tatted".)

This picture from Pinterest inspired me. 
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A similar snowman project...
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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Bird Count (or how we were Citizen Scientists for the day!)

     My family was so excited to participate in the Audubon 113th Annual Christmas Bird Count.  (4:30 came pretty early, though, for this sleep-in-til-7:30 homeschool mama!)  We bundled up, and met up with a sweet (and very bird savvy) couple from nearby.  We met for the first time in the dark, then started to listen for owls. We didn't have any luck calling in owls, but saw and heard dozens of species before 10:00 a.m. (when our family had to head back home). 
     It's exciting to know our observations will be sent to Audobon to help other scientists gain knowledge of bird populations, and guide conservation.  The Christmas Bird Count is the longest running science citizen survey in the world!  We already plan to participate again next year. 

A beautiful sunrise!

We did quite a bit of driving--lots of different habitats means more varieties of birds!

Lot of birds to see on the water! 

THE LIST.  After observing in one area, we'd meet back together and tally our findings.  We saw so many different birds!

Checking out the markings of a gull.  (Budding Ornithologist added 4 new birds to his life list!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Whatever Wednesday #7

Whatever Wednesday
What's my latest (fun) purchase?
I just LOVE my new tray.  My sweet Momma and Dad bought if for me for Christmas...I got to pick it out! 

I luckily had a scrap of fabric in my purse from my new curtains I made .  I was thrilled with the match.  My tray is now my official "inspiration piece" for the room!!)
What's my new favorite color?
The day I purchase the fabric above, I had second thoughts.  The lady that cut the fabric for me said, "This isn't blue, it's mint green."  (She said this AFTER she cut it!)  NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Mint green????  What have I done????  But, now I am feeling like maybe I was onto something.  I keep seeing my color (i.e. my tray!).  I finally found a name for my color: azores.  Look what I found on Pinterest:
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What have I been cooking?
While my husband and oldest son were up in Gatlinburg with our church, I thought it would be fun for me and my youngest son to make homemade cinnamon rolls.  When my husband walked in the door, I had roast in the crockpot and freshly baked cinnamon rolls.  He said, "I smells like my Grandmother's house!"  :) 
What's going on in our homeschool?
We got back to our studies today.  Not crazy busy, just back.  Getting organized and getting back in the swing.
What am I listening to?
The sound of lego bricks as my son hunts for just the perfect one out of the drawer.  Love that sound.  It's the sound of contentment and creativity.  :)
What am I praying about?
Tonight during Bible Drill, I'll be presenting the plan of salvation.  Praying for whatever child may need to respond to the gospel. 
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January Issue: The Old Schoolhouse

     The latest issue of The Old Schoolhouse is out today!  There are lots of artciles on math and drama.  One article in particular caught my eye: The Lost Tools of Math: The Art of Studying Well.  I really enjoyed reading this article.  I can't wait to implement many of the ideas it gave.  Scroll through the rest of the many great articles to read!