Thursday, April 24, 2014

That's Worth Repeating Thursday #2

Persecution is an enemy the Church has met and mastered many times.  Indifference could prove to be a far more dangerous foe.

---God's Smuggler by: Brother Andrew

     We finished God's Smuggler this week.  I highly recommend this book! What a beautiful, true story of trusting God and witnessing provision from His hand!   When I read this part of the book, I said to my son, "Did you catch that?"   It's still SO true today!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Blog Post Find of the Day: Sharon Watson-- "Story Writing: The Resurrection"

     I came across a wonderful writing idea (via a link on facebook from a fellow homeschooler) for my 7th grader tomorrow...and just had to share!  You'll find it HERE. It's called "Story Writing: The Resurrection".  Perfect writing prompt for the day before Good Friday!  She has lots of other great writing prompt ideas as well!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Home Renovation: Painting the Built-in and an Easter-themed Bookshelf

     I promised that I'd be sharing our home here's the first one!  I needed to unpack lots of books, so one of the first projects I tackled was one of the built-ins.  It was a very dark burnt orange color.  I wanted it white. 

It took 2 coats of Kilz and 2 coats of white to cover it up. 

Feels better already.

So much better that this!  But...I still have this side to tackle!

Feel the difference?
Ahhh...white and bright!  I still have to paint the cabinets and trim, but at least I was able to unload some book boxes and have at least a corner of our house that felt like "me." 

I had fun decorating the shelf for Easter.

An old crate I found in the barn at my Mom's and Dad's last fall. It's all cleaned up and is perfect for holding DVDs.

So excited to find a home for my "Little White Church!"  This built- in comes with electricity...perfect to plug in the lights for my church.  (Oh, and the big pine cone is compliments of my oldest son.  Lots of pine cones where we live!)

Friday, April 11, 2014

VBS Clinic 2014 (Agency D3)

     Last night was our association's VBS training.  We had over 200 teachers, directors and pastors attend!  (And 25 attend from my church!) It was a great night of fellowship, excitement and learning.  If you are doing Lifeway Agency D3 in your church, perhaps these pictures will inspire you! 

I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later. I have to say, I'm excited to have an excuse to decorate with mustaches!  (I even saw mustache duct tape being used last night!) 

I co-lead the director's training.  This table is all I had time to take a picture of.  This was an extra display area. My boys helped with it.  They had so much fun dragging out all their old spy gear/gadgets from years ago.  (When they really thought they were spies!)  The bigger pieces were made by someone else, but the gadgets are just scattered around the table.)

Who has a lava lamp?  Perfect for Agency D3!

Entrance to the Craft Lab. 

Displayed on the table in our room.  I used black sheets for tablecloths.

Undercover Spy Watches.  These are Lifeway Craft Packs.  I had fun making these.  By the 3rd or 4th one, I finally figured out the best way!  We used these in the training for discovering the 6 steps to recruiting and training workers.

If you are planning to make these watches, I highly recommend Glue Dots!  (They are not included in the pack.)

Evidence Boxes

Something as simple as small memo tablets.  Goes with the theme, can be used in the classroom, and adds color!

The spy glasses are going to be so much fun! (One tip: leave them off when teaching children.  Eye contact is so important!!)

Last year, I wish I had bought stock in swim noodles.  This year it's manilla envelopes!
The investigation tape as a table runner...I like it!
Brilliant idea when you don't have time to decorate everything!

Fun revolving "siren" light!  (No sound)

Glow sticks in upside down jars...brilliant and easy!

Just a thought.....
     I have noticed some pins on Pinterest showing ideas for making "bombs" for the Agency D3 Theme.  This doesn't seem like the best idea to me. There are so many other fun ideas...why have something that could strike fear in the heart of a child?  If you want to try out those "cute" ideas at your child's spy birthday party, go for it.  I just think we need to avoid it in our churches.   (A Good alternative is to make "rocket packs" that look like Rocket Pack Jack from the daily movie.)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

That's Worth Repeating Thursday #1


     I love a good quote.  They can be inspirational.  They are a perfect way to end a speech or a paper. (Or a blog post!)  I like to post them around my home...on a chalkboard, for example. I like to pin them on my Wise Words board.  They can make you think, or just make you laugh.  So...I thought each Thursday I would share with you a quote that is "speaking" to me.  It could be a 2,000 year old quote or just something my kids said.  I hope you enjoy!

Today's quote:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Jesus Loves Me This I Know" Frame (Vinyl on Glass)


Check out this clever way my sister used the popular vinyl lettering for decor in the nursery.  I love how the rest of the song is put all around the outside of the frame.  Now the wording can be placed anywhere in the nursery, and moved around as desired.  

 I did something similar a while back on wood. 
 I sure am glad I did so I could take it with us when we moved!

Here are some other great vinyl lettering ideas on Pinterest: