Monday, January 16, 2012

Two History Must-haves

Homeschooling Hearts & Minds

     I want to share with you my two most important tools for teaching History. 


This is the "Mark-it" map that we have used for 6 years of History.  On the reverse side is the United States.  This map is made to go along with all our Sonlight History Cores.  I simply love it.  We mark it as we read our books.  For example, we are studying Egypt. Our Read-Aloud goes right along with that.  Here, we have marked (with a washable marker) the places mentioned in The Story of the World and The Golden Goblet.  Later, I can erase the markings and "test" their memory. 

Here is a close-up view.

This is one of the school desks.  My dad made them for us a few years ago.  We had the idea to put maps on them.  My dad had glass cut to fit over the top.  I think my kids can learn through "osmosis" this way!! hehehe!

Here is a look from the other side.  My other son has the world map.  Each year they trade maps!


This is our "Book of Time" from Sonlight Curriculum. We have been using this since the beginning our homeschool. It comes blank, so you can use it however you wish.  You can simply write in important dates, your children can draw the pictures, or you can order the stickers.  We have added our own dates, like births in the family, etc.

As you can see here, we ordered the stickers.  The pictures on them are so detailed.  My children simply look up the dates and put the sticker on the right date.  Here is one of the "earliest" stickers!

Here is a look at one of our pages.  The "BC" pages are in yellow, and the "AD" pages are in white.  All of the stickers correspond with our it! 

The pages get really full!  My boys really enjoy this.  I will "catch" them looking through this book just for fun.  This will end up being a homeschool keepsake! 

Check out more "History and Science" posts from the Virtual Curriculum Fair:


  1. This is great! We love maps too and have them hanging up on the walls, but down low where the kiddos can easily get at them (unfortunately the 2-year-old likes to unstick them from the walls, lol! ;0)

    Thank you for joining the Virtual Curriculum Fair.

  2. Excellent ideas. I need to break down and buy that timeline sticker kit. I keep thinking I'll make my own, but it never gets done...


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