Saturday, July 27, 2013

Speech and Debate Camp

      This week my oldest son embarked on a new adventure: Speech and Debate.  He LOVES it!  (And Mama is so happy about that...I just had a feeling he would!)  The club we plan to join in the Fall starts off their year with a week long camp.  My son attended everday this week from 9-3.  He made tons of friends and got a huge "jump start" on learning all that he'll need to know for the upcoming year. 

The first day of camp...just getting started.  I think there were nearly 40 kids at camp. What an awesome bunch of kids!

     I was a camp a few of the days, in and out---learning too!  In club, my husband or I will be required to be at all club meetings each week.  I need to know what I'm doing so I can help out my son...and other kids in club.   I've learned a lot...all about IO's (Illustrated Oratory), LD (Lincoln Douglas), HI (Humorous Interpretation) and much more.  I'm telling you...there is an abbreviation shortened term for most everything in Speech and Debate!  :)  (Ok...and to be honest I missed all the classes on Lincoln Douglas or Team Debate. I have lots to learn in those areas!)
     The thing that brought me the most joy to me was seeing the friendships being formed during the week.  How neat to see a bunch of Christian, homeschooled kids encouraging, teaching and challenging one another as they seek to learn to communicate with others in our world! 
     Our Speech and Debate Club is a member of the NCFCA (National Christian Forensics and Communications Association).  Their mission is: The National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) believes that formal speech and debate can provide a means for homeschooled students to learn and exercise analytical and oratorical skills, addressing life issues from a biblical worldview in a manner that glorifies God. 
     The week ended with all the "newbies" giving speeches at the Parent Show.  They had only 2-3 days to work on them.  They all did well.  Some of the students (including mine) plan to take these same speeches and work on them all year, developing them into something even better.  We are so excited about this new adventure in our life!  

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