Home Education~Ministry Moments~Hearth and Home

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Update (to all my blog peeps, wherever you are!)

First of all, thanks for taking time to read my blog.  I have been trying to "perfect" it over these last several months.  I hope I have helped, inspired or encouraged you along the way. 

The focus of my blog covers 3 areas:  ministry, educating at home, and frugal homemaking.  It has taken me awhile to figure out what my exact focus is, but these continually are the things I blog about, because they are what I'm passionate about. 

I have recently adjusted my settings on my blog, and hope that this makes it easier for you to leave comments, etc.  I truly enjoy having a blog.  I am learning so much!  (And it's cheaper than professional therapy!---hehe!)


Melinda Speece said...

Got to keep those wheels in your brain turning while you are taking care of everybody else, and I think a blog is a great way to do it! Yes, much cheaper than therapy!

Unknown said...

Yeah! A comment! It works now! Thanks, Melinda!

Also, Melinda...you seem to have a knack of putting into words what I am thinking! :)