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Thursday, March 8, 2012

God Moments

     I had a some neat "God moments" this week I wanted to share~instances where I knew that God was present, was working and had a purpose for me and my family. 

Here are two of them:

1.  Soccer season started Monday.  First of all, I thank the Lord for a great start to the season!  My kids made friends quickly with several kids.  On the way home, I was talking with one of my sons about one of his new friends.  He told me this boy was a Christian.  I said, "Great!  How did you find out?"
      "I asked him," my son relpied.

2.  Tuesday night we were celebrating my son's spiritual birthday at a restaurant.  (Enjoying the gift we gave him right now...a David Crowder cd!)   The waitress came to get our drink orders.  My husband said he thought he recognized her from working at Publix.  She said that she worked there also.  She said, "In fact, I move in 8 days for my new job.  Please pray for me."
     One of my kids spoke up and said, "My dad is good at praying for people, because he's a pastor."
     I said, "Why don't we pray right now?"
     She said, "That would be great!"  We all held hands as my husband led in prayer.  The neat, "God moment" came after we finished praying.  She told us that she was a new Christian.  That she had just been baptized in November.  WOW.  So glad God led us to this young lady to encourage her in her new faith!!!  Very humbling.

***And a little "Thank you, Lord for caring for me even in the small things" moment:  After getting a raincheck at Publix (to get an item that matched up with a good coupon I had), the lady behind the counter said, "If you want more coupons, the lady over there is about to open a box of brand new coupons, and you can get what you want."
     "Oh, yeah!"  :)

Just pitching my tent
(In a world that is not my home),

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