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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Preschool Sunday School~Jesus Talks to the Woman at the Well

This past Sunday boys and girls learned about the Bible story: "Jesus Talks to a Woman".  This was literally the title of our lesson.  Jesus talking to a woman was a pretty big deal back during Bible times!  (We did not go into all that, of course, with our preschoolers...but it was something I took note of as I studied my lesson~!)

Puzzle Center: We made our own puzzles with cardstock paper.  While we were waiting for parents to arrive, boys and girls took turns sharing their puzzles with friends!
Our Bible Verse today was: "Jesus loves you."  (John 15:12)  This is what the woman at the well learned--and she shared it with her town!

Art Center: Color Run  (Use washable markers)

As boys and girls used the water dropper (oh, so much fun!) I shared the teaching picture of the woman at the well and Jesus. We talked about how people got their water during Bible times.

I did not get a final picture of the "color run" art project, but let me tell you--they were beautiful!  (I teach preschoolers---so I can't get a picture of everything, right?)  :)

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