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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back-to-Homeschool (Why We Only take a 6 week Summer)

 I've noticed there are lots of homeschoolers starting back this week.  I wonder why that is?  I know for us, it's really our first opportunity now that VBS, summer camps, celebrating 3 birthdays, etc. are now marked off the calendar.  (And we enjoyed it all so much!)
     This year, we took a 6 week summer vacation.  Some might think, "Why are you starting so early, why are you doing that to your kids?"  I'm doing us a favor, and I'm being kind the future me.  There will be a time in October when we all want to go see the leaves in the mountains or a week when it seems we are packed with dentist appointments, club meetings, soccer practice and church activities.  I will not be stressed out that we are missing "school days" because we began early, and have some wiggle room.
     I also keep our summer vacations shorter than the traditional break because I think it helps prevent "brain drain".  It keeps us from having to do lots of  review.  We can just get right to it--giving us more time for learning new concepts right away.
     It's also just time.  I can feel it. Everyone gets a bit restless.  (Including mom!)  It feels good to be back in a routine and on the road to completing our 170 days of "school".  (And getting all those neurons firing again!)

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