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Sunday, July 29, 2012

3's and 4's Sunday School (Go and Tell Others About Jesus)

     Unfortunately, this morning during Sunday School when I started to take pictures of our activities, I realized I had left the chip out of my camera.  So....I'll just share with you what we did last Sunday morning.  Our Bible Story was about how Paul (a missionary) went lots of places to tell people about Jesus.  One day, he found some ladies by the river and taught them about Jesus.  One of the ladies was Lydia, a seller of purple cloth.  Thus, the Purple Art~~~

Preschoolers LOVE to tape things!  They believe in getting them taped down REALLY well!  :)

They also love getting pictures taken of their art work! 

In the block center, we built a river.  (Where Paul taught the ladies and Lydia about Jesus.)  We can talk to people about Jesus anywhere!

(in a world that’s not my home)

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