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Friday, March 16, 2012

Field Trip to the AL State Senate/Capitol

     Yesterday my family and I took a very special field trip.  My preacher husband had been asked to pray for the opening session of the Alabama State Senate.  We woke up at dawn (so nervous not to be late) to get ourselves ready and in our Sunday best.  We arrived 45 minutes early, but we had an interesting time waiting outside the Lieutenant Governor's office, watching the hustle and bustle as the senators arrived.
      You know what, today my boys wrote about our field trip in their journals.  Here are some snippets from what they wrote...

...For an hour and thirty mintutes I sat there wondering what it would be like.  When we got to the town we went to the senate to pray and watch.  After dad prayed we watched about an hour of "thirty-five ayes and no nays," (which got really boring.)  Then we got to do a tour which was long and really interesting and fun....

....When it was time we went up to a fancy balcony that over looked the senate area; it had fold-down seats like in the movies, and was glassed in.  There were several groups of kids.  When my dad prayed, it was wonderful.  It wasn't too long.  Then the Senate began.  I saw pages on either side of the room.  They gave a roll call.  Then two senators started debating about something.  The other senators were talking while the people were debating!  It was so extremely rude!  The president woman (Lieutenant Gov.) had to bang the hammer.  But they started again!  Then they started voting on bills....

My view from the front pew the Senate Gallery
(That's my hubby right next to the Lt. Governor.)

Love this picture I got on our tour of the Capitol Building!

We had our own personal tour guide...she was fabulous! 

This is where the AL Senate used to meet, back in the day.  My boys and I agreed we thought it would be neat if they still met here.  (Minus the spitoons, please!)

Love the ending words of my youngest son's journal entry....

....Sometimes, days go way too fast.

1 comment:

Melinda Speece said...

I loved that Dad prayed "Not too long." What a treat!!