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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sun, Moon and Stars with my 3's and 4's

Today our lesson was: God made the sun, moon and stars.
                     God made day and night.

The boys and girls used various sizes of plastic lids to make circles on their papers.  We talked about how this shape reminds us of the sun and moon that God made.

We talked about how God made day and night.  We discussed (using a game) the different activities we do during the day, and the ones we do at night. Then we made a morning time snack...cinnamon toast!  YUM! 

The preschoolers enjoyed spreading their own butter. 
It may have gotten a little messy...but that's how we learn!  :)

Shaking the cinnamon sugar on top was lots of fun!

The toast went in the oven for a few minutes. 
 We let it cool while I told the Bible story from Genesis 1.
The boys and girls ate every bite!  YUM!

Thank you, God for day and night.  Thank you, God for the sun, moon and stars. 

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