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Monday, November 5, 2012

My New VBS Adventure

     Vacation Bible School is always an adventure...but this year it will be a different kind of excitement for me.  This year I will be part of the 2013 VBS Team for my state.  I just spent a great weekend in training with lots of great folks from all around my state who love VBS!  I have one more weekend of training later in the year before going on tour a few months before VBS begins.  I'll be leading conferences all around my state for associational conference leaders who will then train local churches in VBS.  (I'll be leading the Kindergarten conference...yeah!)
     I just had to share my excitement--so thrilled to be part of something that grows the Kingdom!  Did you know there were 7,000 professions of faith during VBS in 2012?  Did you know there is a direct correlation in the number of people that are trained and the number of children that attend VBS?  (and this almost always leads to more children making decisions to follow Christ!)  I didn't--but it makes sense.  If churches are better prepared because they attended training, they will not be so caught up in trying to figure out how to teach, etc.  They will be more free to participate in outreach and developing relationships with families. 
 "We have a gift called Vacation Bible School." 
---my favorite quote from one of our leaders this weekend

Love this photoshop!  That's me in the front left of the rollercoater....the only one you'll ever find me in!!

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