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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Encouragement for the Minister's Wife

     Today my preacher husband gave me an assignment to read.  It was a short chapter entitled "The Ministry Wife".  It is from a book he is reading, Pastor's Handbook, by John Bisagno.  He thought it would be an encouragement to me, and it was.  (He is such a sweetheart, you know!)

Pastor's Handbook [Book]

     The author's wife gave a short testimony as part of the chapter.  She quoted a scripture that "has given (her) great pleasure through the years".  The scripture is from the Book of I Samuel after David destroyed the Amakelites. 

"The Share of the one who goes into battle is to be the same as the share of the one who remains with the supplies.  They will share equally"  (1 Sam. 30:24).

     I am so blessed to share in the ministry with my husband.  There a times that I feel "less" because I am simply remaining with the supplies (i.e. homeschooling our children, cooking a hot meal, etc.).  I don't feel that way for long because God (and my husband) will remind me that I am doing exactly what I am called to do.  I am fulfilling the role that my preacher husband needs most.  What a privilege to serve my Savior in this way!

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