Home Education~Ministry Moments~Hearth and Home

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

GratiTuesday~~~Sick Day

     I am always thankful to the good Lord and to my husband for the opportunity to educate my children at home---but I am even more so on "sick days".  (Sick days can take lots of forms: sick child(ren), sick mama, or sick everybody.  We've had all three this week.)  On sick days, I am reminded just how blessed I am to homeschool my sons.  When they wake up sick, I don't worry--we just all stay at home like everyday. 
      On "sick days", my kids and I  take it easy, doing whatever "school" is manageable.  We rarely ever completely skip lessons altogether.  Usually on their sick days, they catch up on reading, etc.  Yesterday I knew it was the Lord helping me out.  We were ALL feeling pretty sick, but we had enough energy to do one lesson on "theme" as it pertains to literature.  We had recently recorded "Gone with the Wind". What a perfect day to watch a 4 hour movie, snuggle up with lots of pillows and blankets, then talk about theme, characters, symbolism, etc.  (Not to mention Civil War history!)  I'm usually not one to watch a long movie in the middle of the afternoon, but boy, did I need that!

     p.s.  I have to mention that I am SO GRATEFUL to my sweet husband for doing my Publix (with coupons!) shopping for me!  He has called several times as I've been writing this post, just to make sure he gets it right.  Love that man.

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