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Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Ministry Moment

     One of the highlights of my week is teaching Bible Skills, Drills and Thrills each Wednesday night for one hour to 4th-6th graders.  Lately our numbers have been increasing to 14-16 kiddos each night.  This has been so exciting! But, as you can imagine, it can get a little loud sometimes. 
     At the beginning of class, the boys and girls are to copy their verse, books of the Bible, etc. into their Bible Drill notebooks.  Last night, some were finished earlier than others and the talking/noise level started to go up.  I wanted to move on to our other activities.  I asked the children to please not talk and told them, if they were finished, they could just have a prayer time.  I have never suggested this before; it just came out of my mouth.  I was being facetious. 
     The room got very quiet.  Boys and girls got back to copying their verse and three children actually bowed their head in prayer.  WOW.  That was such a moment for me.  How precious and tender is the heart of a child. (Everything did stay quiet for at least 4 minutes until somebody burped...)

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