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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stay on Your Knees

     I recently had a conversation with a friend about some tough times we had experienced in the past.  We talked about how it was one of the hardest things we had to go through.  But...we both agreed that it was also one of the sweetest periods in our life because of the time we spent with Jesus.  I can remember clinging to the Word and calling out to my Father in prayer all day long.  I often got down on my knees to pray at my bedside. 
     As I was praying the other day, God spoke to my heart these words: "Stay on your knees."  Our Heavenly Father doesn't want us to wait until we are desperate to call out to him and to desire the Word.  There will undoubtedly be things that bring us to our knees.  How much better prepared we will be to walk through that trial if we are already there---on our knees. 

"Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."  (Psalm 95:6)
"Pray continually."  (1 Thess. 5:17)
"He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed."  (Luke 22:41)


I'm so very grateful for a God that I can talk to, and who talks to me!

Go to  Heavenly Homemakers to read more "Gratitude" posts!

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